Investigating Science 2 Unit

ATAR Course


The course is firmly focused on developing the Working Scientifically skills, as they provide a foundation for students to value investigation, solve problems, develop and communicate evidence-based arguments, and make informed decisions.

Students can combine Investigating Science with ONE or TWO other Science subjects selected from:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth & Environmental Science
  • Physics

For Whom is the Course Intended?

Investigating Science is designed to assist students who are also studying one or more of the other science courses, to engage with scientific processes, and apply those processes to investigate relevant personal, community and global scientific issues.

The course promotes active inquiry and explores key concepts, models and phenomena. It draws and builds on the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes gained in Science Stage 5.


Investigating Science encourages the development of a range of capabilities and capacities that enhance a student’s ability to participate in all aspects of community life and within a fast-changing technological landscape. The knowledge, understanding and skills gained from this course are intended to support students’ ongoing engagement with science.


External HSC examination.

Internal Assessment program includes:

  • Depth Study
  • Working Scientifically Skills Tasks
  • Examination


  • Subject cost included in the College Resource Fee. Safety glasses are required. Excursion costs are kept to a minimum.