Ministry Framework

Mission framework

… Let us seek out others and embrace the world as it is, without fear of pain or a sense of inadequacy, because there we will discover all the goodness that God has planted in human hearts…

Fratelli Tutti #78

The purpose of the Ministry Framework is to provide an instrument to evaluate and develop the formation of staff and students in their understanding of the life and mission of St Francis Xavier’s College, as a Catholic educational community, committed to the Diocesan vision “At the heart of everything is Jesus Christ.”

A Ministry Framework will:

  • Ensure we continue to address the needs of both staff and students in relation staff and student’s faith and life journey within the school environment. This then enables us to;
  • Evaluate our current rituals, structures and programs, and gain valuable feedback which will then;
  • Guide our future work and progress.

St Francis Xavier’s College:

  • Encourages and develops capacity in ‘doing’ practical theology and ‘meaning making’ for the challenges of Catholic education, school, and personal life. (D’Orsa and D’Orsa, 2013)
  • Encourages a culture of dialogue and the “’art of accompaniment’ which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other (cf. Ex 3:5). The pace of this accompaniment must be steady and reassuring, reflecting our closeness and our compassionate gaze which also heals, liberates, and encourages growth in the Christian life. (Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 169).

Through this we enable a deeper faith in God, Church, self, others, and creation.

Mission and Formation experiences at St Francis Xavier’s College, draw and build upon established relationships and spiritual experience. They offer creative, engaging, thought-provoking and differentiated experiences where staff and students are accepted as they are. These opportunities provide a platform to develop a greater understanding of themselves in relation to God and Catholic faith tradition. Each year our Marist and House Patron’s themes provide a grounding and direction for our Mission and Formation experiences.

The current community of St Francis Xavier’s College represents a ‘broad church’ of people. Staff and students differ enormously in the level, and amount, of formation they have experienced, and in their relationship with God. Within this current context, it is important to offer opportunities that are diverse and open for all to participate.

Our Mission and Vision statements clearly define our purpose within this overarching context.

“St Francis Xavier’s College will be recognised as a vital community, witnessing excellence, generosity and compassion shaped by the Catholic tradition; where all engage in active evangelisation and quality teaching and learning; where students, along with their teachers, parents and carers participate fully in the life of the College reaching out to others through their families, parishes and society; and where all realise their full potential.”