
The college follows the CSO policy on Anti-Bullying.

Procedurally at the College the following guidelines apply:

  • Parents, teachers, students, and the community are made be aware of the diocesan anti-bullying policy
  • Professional development is provided for staff in relation to bullying, harassment and proven counter measures
  • The College community is provided with input relating to bullying, its characteristics and the College’s programs and response
  • Programs that promote resilience, life and social skills, assertiveness, conflict resolution and problem solving are provided 
  • Students and staff are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying
  • Parents are encouraged to contact school if they become aware of a problem
  • Positive anti-bullying behaviour is recognised
  • If student bullying persists, parents will be contacted, and consequences implemented consistent with the Diocesan Code of Conduct
  • If staff bullying persists the Principal will commence formal disciplinary action

The consequences for a student who has been the perpetrator of bullying may involve the following:

  • Exclusion from classes and/or the yard
  • College suspension

The College endeavours to offer appropriate support mechanisms for both the victim of bullying and the perpetrator of bullying. These strategies may vary between incidents but may include the following:

  • Counselling provided by the College
  • Counselling provided by an External Agency
  • Monitoring by the College Wellbeing Team