Administering Medication


Teachers and schools are often asked by parents to administer medication for their children while at school. It is important that that such requests are managed in a manner that is appropriate, ensures the safety of students, and fulfils the duty of care of staff.

St Francis Xavier's College complies with the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Schools Office Administering of Medicines in Schools Policy Administering Medicines in Schools (2012) and aims to ensure that medications are administered appropriately to students in our care.


Non-prescribed oral medications (eg: headache tablets) will not be administered by school staff.

All parent requests for the administering of prescribed medications to their child must be in writing and must be supported by specific written instructions from the medical practitioner or pharmacist’s including the name of the student, dosage and time to be administered (original medications bottle or container should provide this information). Please contact Student Services to arrange appropriate paperwork. P 4961 2110 or 

All student medications must be in the original containers, must be labelled, must have the quantity of tablets confirmed and documented and must be stored in either the locked office first aid cabinet or office refrigerator, whichever is most appropriate. Consistent with our Asthma Action Plan, asthmatic students may carry an asthma inhaler with them.

Classroom teachers will be informed by the Assistant Principal Wellbeing & Engagement or the Leader of Wellbeing & Engagement of prescribed medications for students in their charge, and classroom teachers will release students at prescribed times so that they may visit student services to receive their medication.

All completed Medication Request Forms and details relating to students, their prescribed medication, dosage quantities and times of administering, will be recorded in Compass and stored in a confidential, official medications register, located in student services. 

Students involved in school camps or excursions will be discreetly administered prescribed medications by the supervising teacher in a manner consistent with the above procedures, with all details recorded in Compass. 

Parents and carers of students who may need injections, are required to meet with the Assistant Principal Wellbeing & Engagement to discuss the matter.

Staff are provided with information on students who suffer from severe allergic reactions (Anaphylaxis). Information regarding these students will be published in Compass. EpiPen’s are kept in student services for emergency use.