Drama 2 Unit

ATAR Course


This course is designed for students with an interest in Drama, regardless of their past dramatic experience. Students may have a performance background or be beginners with little knowledge of Drama.

Students are given the opportunity to perform individually and in groups, and they are encouraged to appreciate the rich dramatic tradition of various cultures by watching, writing and performing.

For Whom is the Course Intended?

Students of varying academic abilities can find success in this course. Drama involves detailed study of theoretical components and practical work and allows a wide range of choice within the subject. Students can maximise marks in areas where they show skill and interest.

However, all students will be required to write essays at an advanced level. All students will be required to perform in a group presentation for the HSC examination and to complete an Individual Project in one of the following areas:

  • Scriptwriting
  • Design
  • Performance
  • Video
  • Critical analysis


There are NO pre-requisites but students need to be competent English students and be confident to perform in front of an audience.


Year 11 Course

  • Scripted Piece
  • Group Presentation in a particular style
  • Theatrical Traditions (Theory – two essays)

HSC Examination

  • There will be a 1½ hour written examination comprising two essays on Australian Theatre and Black Comedy.
  • The Group Presentation will be externally marked.
  • The Individual Project will be externally marked.

Definition: Group Presentation

A totally original piece of theatre written and performed by students in groups of three, four, five or six.


Subject costs are included in the College Resource Fee.

Other Costs: Students will be required to have a black long sleeved T-Shirt and black track pants.

Students will be invited to attend various dramatic performances throughout the year.