Principal’s Welcome
Welcome to St Francis Xavier’s College Hamilton, a Catholic school drawing from the Marist tradition and an important contributor in the educational domain of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. We pride ourselves on producing young women and men who are ready to meet the challenge of being active and hope-filled citizens, contributing readily to the wider world for the greater good.
As an educational community, St Francis Xavier’s College believes in a holistic approach to learning, based in the principles of the Catholic faith and reflecting the values of the Gospel. The College offers students a diverse array of opportunities to develop and showcase their talents in a multitude of fields including creative and performing arts, sport, industry and academic pursuits to name but a few. Importantly, every student is encouraged to actively engage with the extracurricular life of the College so that they can realise their full potential. Of particular significance to the St Francis Xavier’s College community is our commitment to social justice initiatives, as we consistently invite our students to be connected with their world in meaningful ways.
One of the fundamental tenets of our College is a belief that relationships are central to learning. We believe that deep learning is significantly enhanced where valued and trusted relationships are first developed. Only in such an environment are students enabled to take appropriate learning risks, secure in the knowledge that they will be supported and nurtured in their learning journey. Indeed, every member of our community is encouraged to embrace the relational journey of lifelong learning.
I trust that this website provides you with a clear insight into the values and norms of our College. I would also invite you to contact the College if you would like to know more about any aspect of our community.
Greg Ptolemy
College Principal